Dining Downunder releases Global Survey Results on Hotel Cuisine Promotions

From January to June 2005, Dining Downunder conducted a global survey on hotel cuisine promotions which was completed by over 650 in the hotel and restaurant industry.

The survey was developed to identify the challenges for hotels in hosting cuisine promotions and to allow hotels to evaluate future promotions and distinguish the profitability of a particular event.

Guest chefs are commonly invited to host hotel promotions around the world. However many promotions are still seen as significant cost centres and run for public relations rather than as for what they should be – serious revenue generators and opportunities to train the kitchen brigade in specific cuisine offerings.

The survey addressed 14 key areas;

1. How often does your property run cuisine promotions?
2. Why run a cuisine promotion?
3. What cuisine is the most popular?
4. Do you feature a guest chef for cuisine promotions?
5. Is the reputation or celebrity status of the guest chef important?
6. Average length of a hotel cuisine promotion?
7. Does your hotel try to gain sponsorship for cuisine promotions?
8. Do sponsors feel that they got value for their investment?
9. Average budget for each cuisine promotion in US Dollars?
10. For what market segment is the cuisine promotion predominantly focused?
11. How many room nights does a cuisine promotion typically generate?
12. What factors contributed to your least successful promotion(s)?
13. Have your cuisine promotions been increasingly successful?
14. What do you feel makes a cuisine promotion successful?

The results were very surprising and paint a realistic picture of the industry today and also direct readers to think outside the square to attract attendees to future promotions and look at what opportunities they offer potential guests.

Purchase a copy of the Dining Downunder Global Hotel Cuisine Promotions Survey Results here.
